This Month's Workshop

Friday 3 August 2012

Color Me Mine Chilliwack - Our 6th Annual Give a Dog a Bowl Contest

The time is now to vote for your favourite customer made dog bowl for the Give a Dog A Bowl contest! Head on over to our Give a Dog a Bowl gallery to see the pieces up for voting. Missed out on entering this year? Come make your own dog bowl anyways! We recently joined Pinterest, here's an inspiration board to get you started.

For the contest, entries are divided into ages 12 and over and under 12. Voters will be allowed to vote once daily for both categories until August 15. The local winners will be sent to head office for further voting. The Grand Prize winner will be announced on National Dog Day - August 26 and will win a painting party for 10 in their local studio and will be used in next years advertising for Give a Dog a Bowl.

Good luck to all the entries! And thank you to all came in and painted at Color Me Mine Chilliwack. 

Color Me Mine - Give a Dog a Bowl Painting Contest!